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What + Why?


What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A comprehensive plan is the process that brings together all members of the community to learn, listen, and collaborate. Throughout the process, the community's voice and vision will be discovered and policies and goals will be highlighted. The final plan document reflects the community efforts and guides officials to make decisions with the support of the community through Envision 2035. 

Create Unified Vision

ENVISION 2035 will create a unified vision for the Town of Leo-Cedarville to guide decision-makers into the next decade.

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Establish Clear Goals + Objectives

The goals and objectives of the ENVISION 2035 will be the framework for future decisions and developments.

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Discover Eligible Funding


A current comprehensive plan is often a requirement to be eligible for state and federal funding.

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Update the Envision Plan

Adopted in 2013, the original ENVISION plan has served the community well, but it needs updated to highlight accomplishments and reflect changes to best serve the needs of the Community.

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Develop Implementation Strategies

Identifying implementation strategies will break goals and objectives down to clear steps while also assigning timeframe and responsible party.  

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Fulfill Indiana Comprehensive Requirements

Indiana Code identifies basic requirements for comprehensive plans, and ENVISION 2035 will meet and exceed those basic requirements.

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Engage the Community

Engage the Community – ENVISION 2035 will be based on input from the Leo-Cedarville community ensuring the plan reflects the needs and desires of those who live and love the community.

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Create a User-Friendly Document

ENVISION 2023 will be well-organized, graphics-heavy, and easy to read and understand.

Objectives of Envision 2035
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